Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fashion Shoots-ideas 1 Eugenio Recuenco

I made a couple outfits for a fashion show earlier this evening...more about that later. But first, I need to start keeping a running visual list of fashion shoots that I really like. I have to do a big shoot in mid-November for a totally awesome portfolio that will get me into my #1 choice for design school next year.

Eugenio Recuenco is my fashion shoot hero at the moment. I love how moody this series is--moody infused with the fantastical. I really want whatever collections that I come up with in the future to really be a collaborative effort. Now, I know that in order to create good photos of clothing requires working with people from all different backgrounds. But I'm talking more along the lines of a theatrical production without a script writer. I would love to have each year be a completely different feel with a very different story to go along with that. Maybe that's what fashion trends are all about, but I think that Recuenco is really successful in what I'm talking about. Perfect example: photos above compared to the ones below.

And seriously, check out this photo...awesome. And old Greek frieze reinterpreted for high fashion.