Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ceramic/Silk has got a new name

Kat and I decided upon a new name for our Ceramic/Silk project - Finery. We had the photoshoot tonight at IF+D furniture store where Kat used to work and where the art opening will be on April 17th. We ended up making four different looks out of our original three and we're planning on printing them on poster sized paper and hanging them up around the store.
I think it turned out better than Kat, Christina, or I had hoped. It seems like the last two photoshoots we've done have been way more organized and we've all been much more prepared. This time round it seemed like we were halfway ready but just had to wing the rest of it because the opening is in two weeks and we just couldn't put it off any longer. And we didn't have all our models picked out. Luckily one of the girls who works at the coffee shop- the one that is a daily pit-stop for me on the way to work-volunteered and then Kat's roommate was roped into it as well. All four girls had pale skin and brown hair which I think will tie all of the outfits together really well.
All in all, it turned out amazing. Real photos should be coming soon!

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